We are Historians!

History Curriculum Intent

At St. Martin’s, we believe that children should be taught to have an in depth and chronological understanding of time periods, people and events that have helped to change and shape their local area as well as their country. We also believe it is important for children to learn about ancient civilisations whose lasting impact has shaped the world to be that which children experience today.

We have designed our curriculum to ensure that there is intelligent repetition of key knowledge throughout the school. In EYFS and Year 1 they are taught in themes that are able to be related to their own timeline and historical experiences in the recent past. In Year 2 they begin to look at history in terms of a wider timeline. In Key Stage 2 they are taught themes chronologically from the earliest to the most recent.

We intend for our history curriculum to be progressive with prior learning being revisited in later years ensuring a depth of knowledge is developed. We have also ensured that historical skills are embedded and built upon at every stage throughout the children's journey through school. 

Alongside the aims and expectations set out in the National Curriculum, our History curriculum also offers opportunities for the children to:

  • Be curious and feel inspired to know more about the past.
  • Think critically, weigh evidence, construct arguments and come to their own judgements.
  • Develop their ability to ask perceptive questions.
  • Understand the complexity of people’s lives.
  • Understand how change happens and the impact this has on the future.
  • Experience the diversity of different societies.
  • To understand their own identity.

The History subject lead is Mrs Parker.

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